OSHA Electronic Record-Keeping Submission Due Dec 1st

October 02 - Posted at 9:00 AM Tagged: , , , , , ,
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has implemented a change to its record keeping rule that now requires certain employers to electronically submit 2016 injury and illness data to the agency as of December 1, 2017. 

The injury and illness reports that employers are required to submit electronically are already recorded on forms that employers keep onsite at their workplace. OSHA feels this change will help to improve the safety for workers across the country by making injury information publicly available. 

Who Must Comply: Employers who are required to comply are establishments with 250 or more employees as well as those with 20-249 employees who fall into certain industries that have historically high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses. 

What Are Employers Required to Submit:
  • Employers with 250 or more employees must electronically submit information from OSHA Forms 300 (Log of Work Related Injuries & Illnesses), 300A (Summary or Work Related Injuries & Illnesses), and 301 (Injury & Illness Incident Report).
  • Employers with 20-249 employees in the required industries must electronically submit the Form 300A.

OSHA has provided a secure website that offers 3 options for data submission:
  1. Users can manually enter data into their webform
  2. Users can upload a CVS file to process single or multiple establishments at the same time
  3. Users of automated recordkeeping systems can transmit data electronically via API (application programming interface)

The Injury Tracking Application (ITA) is accessible from their launch page where employers are able to provide OSHA with their 2016 Form 300A information. 

The new reporting requirements will be phased in over 2 years. OSHA extended the 2017 compliance date for 2016 data submission to December 1, 2017.  The data  deadline for 2017 information submission is July 1, 2018. Beginning in 2019 and every year thereafter, the information must be submitted by March 2nd.
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