UnitedHealthcare PBM Change effective 9/1/13

July 18 - Posted at 2:33 PM Tagged: , , , , , ,
Effective September 1, 2013, the PBM (prescription benefit manager) for UnitedHealthcare will be changing from Medco/ExpressScripts to OptumRx. UHC has decided to make this change as part of their transition to consolidating prescription benefits management for their members. By bringing all pharmacy benefit services in-house, this will allow UHC to help members better manage their health care.



How Will This Change Effect Me?


There will be NO CHANGE to a member’s current prescription benefit coverage as a result of the move to OptumRx.


Members will receive a new UHC ID card in the mail with the new OptumRx information on it. The new card will not be effective until September 1st. Members will also receive communication direct from UHC to help inform them about this change also.


Members will still have access to over 64,000 network retail pharmacies, including all large national chains, and many local community pharmacies.


Most current mail service prescriptions that have remaining refills will automatically transfer over to OptumRx. Prescriptions for certain medications, like painkillers, will not transfer. In this instance, members will receive a letter from UHC letting them know their current prescription will not transfer over to OptumRx and they will need to obtain a new mail order prescription from their doctor.


Please contact our office for more information on this transition.

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