How to Avoid the Health Care Reform Penalty for Groups With Over 50 Employees

July 02 - Posted at 2:02 PM Tagged: , , , , , , ,

Beginning in 2014, large employers (those with 50 or more employees) that do not provide “qualifying” coverage and who have employees who receive a subsidy for Exchange coverage may be subject to certain tax penalties, as high a $3000 per year per employee, under Health Care Reform.  We can show you a lower-cost alternative to traditional major medical that will help you avoid these penalties. The cost ranges from $105-$125 per month for employee only coverage and the premium is tax deductible to the employer.


For employers who choose to not offer an ACA compliant plan in 2014, the penalty is an excise tax, therefore not deductible. 


This could be the perfect solution for large employers who are looking for an alternative to the high cost of traditional major medical coverage while avoiding the potential penalties of ACA. 


Please contact our office if you would like more information about this program and your options as an employer in 2014 with Health Care Reform.

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